April 23-24, 2025
Oak Canyon Park

The Orange County Water District (OCWD) is proud to present the award-winning Children's Water Education Festival.

The Festival presents a unique opportunity to educate third, fourth and fifth grade students about local water issues and the environment. Since its inception, more than 152,000 Orange County students have experienced the Festival and all it has to offer.

Registration for the 28th Annual Festival is now open. Interested teachers, presenters and volunteers are invited to click on the menu bars above to learn more.

The Festival is provided at no cost to Orange County schools. Hosting an event of this magnitude is made possible by many generous sponsors, presenters and dedicated volunteers. We are proud to work with such committed organizations and individuals each year.

YouTube video of the 2023 Children's Water Education Festival
FaceBook page of the Children's Water Education Festival
Orange County Water District
Disneyland Resort
H2OC Stormwater Program
Kennedy Jenks
Moulton Niguel Water District
Orange County Sanitation District
Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority
Wood Rodgers
Butier, CDM Smith, City of Santa Ana, ESA, Laguna Beach County Water District, MKN Associates, Mesa Water District, Scheevel Engineering, and SARBS CWEA