April 23-24, 2025
Oak Canyon Park

Dear Presenter,

Your company or organization is invited to submit an application to participate in the 2025 Children's Water Education Festival, held on April 23-24, 2025 at Oak Canyon Park (Silverado).

The award-winning event is recognized nationally as the largest of its kind. It is expected to attract 6000 students and is a continued success because of the involvement of organizations like yours.

The mission of the Festival is to educate students about water-related and environmental issues that correspond with Next Generation Science Standards/STEM. The Festival teaches youth that they can make a difference in protecting our water resources and the environment for today, tomorrow and for future generations. Activities should educate students about water, the environment and what they can do to conserve and protect our precious natural resources.

Third, fourth and fifth grade teachers and students throughout Orange County will attend the 2025 Festival. Classes are carefully scheduled into 20 minute hands-on activities and interactive presentations throughout the day. Group sizes for standard booths are 45 students.

To participate, please complete the online application and follow the Presenter Guidelines to help us guarantee students are provided a standardized experience. If you have presented in the past and are interested in using the same curriculum, we encourage you to build upon it, ensuring that the curriculum is in direct alignment with Next Generation Science Standards (see Presenter Guidelines for info.) Next Generation Science Standards must be met in order to be eligible for the Festival.

As a Festival presenter, we ask that you please follow the guidelines listed below:

  • Ensure that your activity curriculum corresponds with at least one Next Generation Science Standards (see Presenter Guidelines.)
  • Create an account and complete an online application by April 1, 2025.
  • Provide you and your staff's full legal names on the application. Because presenters will be working with children, we cross-check all names against the Megan's Law database.
  • Have your booth set up by 8:30 a.m. on both days of the Festival (this may require you to set up on Tuesday, April 22, prior to the first day of the Festival.)
  • Present an educational activity on April 23-24, 2025 from 9:00 a.m. - 2 p.m.

You must complete the application in its entirety. By completing this form you will assist us in demonstrating the educational value of your activity, and ultimately the Festival. Additionally, you will help us create an educational activity book, which will be based on the presentations offered at the Festival and distributed to students.

Applications will be reviewed by the Festival Committee, and presenters will be notified whether their activity has been selected to be part of the 2025 Children's Water Education Festival. If you have any questions or would like additional information, please call 714-378-3257 or emailĀ  WaterFestival@ocwd.com.

Thank you for your cooperation and support of this wonderful event.
We look forward to working with you to make the 2025 Festival a great success!

Presenter represents and warrants that he/she has provided his/her full legal name for the purposes of a Megan's Law Screening. Presenter consents to OCWD checking Presenter's name against the Megan's Law database. In the event Presenter's name appears on the Megan's Law database, Presenter shall not be allowed to present or volunteer at the Children's Water Education Festival.